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Metasploit Town Hall 0x4 - Brent Cook, Aaron Soto, Adam Cammack, Cody Pierce Derbycon 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Metasploit Town Hall 0x4
Brent Cook, Aaron Soto, Adam Cammack, Cody Pierce
Derbycon 2018

In our fourth Metasploit Town Hall, join us for a look at the hotness that landed in Metasploit 5 this past yearincluding Python-based modules, new exploits, and fresh EternalBlue additions. We’ll demo some of the latest and greatest work coming out of our team and our top-notch contributor base, and then we’ll offer ourselves up to the crowd for questions and conversation about what you’d like to see Metasploit take on next.

We are a few of the many people who make Metasploit awesome. Brent Cook heads up Metasploit’s engineering team at Rapid7, Aaron Soto and Adam Cammack are two of the team’s core developers, and Cody Pierce is the Metasploit product manager. We are all staunch open-source security advocates, contributors, and community members.

Brent Cook - @busterbcook, Aaron Soto - @_surefire_, Cody Pierce - @codypierce, Metasploit - @metasploit

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