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SAEDY: Subversion and Espionage Directed Against You - Judy Towers Derbycon 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

SAEDY: Subversion and Espionage Directed Against You
Judy Towers
Derbycon 2018

Industrial espionage is the practice of secretly gathering information about competing corporation or business interest, with the objective of placing one’s own organization at a strategic or financial advantage. A common practice to achieve this advantage is to elicit information from unwitting individuals through what today is called social engineering (SE). We all hear the term SE so often that we become desensitized to it, thereby INCREASING the effectiveness of it against ourselves and organizations. Thus, will call it what it is - Human Intelligence, also known as HUMINT.Presenting personal experiences as an Army counterintelligence agent with examples of military and industrial espionage, will examine tradecraft employed against individuals every day. We will apply lessons learned from the US military and the intelligence community by using two acronyms taught to Army counterintelligence agents: SAEDA (Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army) and MICE (Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego). By presenting different aspects of HUMINT collection efforts will enable individuals to possibly detect, deflect, and protect oneself from such actions.

As an active duty US Army Counterintelligence Agent (6 yrs), Judy provided weekly SAEDA briefings for new incoming unit soldiers and for yearly awareness training requirements. Judy received an Army award for the presentation’s effectiveness in engaging the audience, thereby enhancing self-awareness of the threat. Her experiences include training in traditional espionage tradecraft, along with supervising and conducting counterintelligence investigations of individuals, organizations, installations and activities in order to detect, assess and counter threats to national security. After leaving the Army, Judy started a civilian career in information security as: domain admin for a global company, an IT manager implementing incident response system, Fraud department investigating people stealing company services, and now a Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst, augmented by a 2nd Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Computer Forensics.


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