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When IoT Research Matters - Mark Loveless Derbycon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

When IoT Research Matters
Mark Loveless
Derbycon 2017

Most IoT research involves low hanging fruit and kitchen appliances. But what happens when the tech you are researching is changing a niche industry, or creating one? This involves a little deeper dive. This talk illustrates some basic concepts and includes some tips on how to make that dive slightly deeper, with examples of hacking tool usage, going above and beyond with a vendor during disclosure, and creating realistic attack scenarios without coming across as mere stunt hacking.

Mark Loveless aka Simple Nomad has worked for software and hardware vendors in the security space, as well as in IT and security for large Fortune 500 companies. He has spoken at numerous security conferences worldwide including Defcon, Blackhat, Shmoocon, RSA, and has been quoted for his security and privacy views via numerous online, print, and television media outlets including Wired, Washington Post, CNN, and many others. He has seen ghosts and two UFOs, but otherwise appears normal.


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