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What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been - Jim Nitterauer Derbycon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Jim Nitterauer
Derbycon 2017

Every day we are bombarded with news from every direction warning of impending doom for those connected to the thing we call the Internet. The InfoSec community banters about the Twitters discussing, dissecting and dissing those upon whom misfortune has fallen while forgetting that they too might one day suffer the same fate. George Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Many in the community are far too young, have far too little history under their belts and spend little time understanding the path we all took to get to where we are today. This talk relates the path I’ve taken from a being a degreed Biologist and Microbiologist through starting several Internet services companies to my current position. I’ll relate my failures and successes during that journey to the state of tech at that point in time examining common practices of the day that now seem ludicrous by today’s standards. The goal will be to help everyone learn some history from someone who has been there so that we might start using that knowledge as a lens to help us better understand the current state of our industry and make better decisions moving forward. After all, what we view as standard, prudent and cutting edge today might not appear that way to those who come after us. Seeing where we have once been might help us really appreciate how far we have come! Come join me in a twenty plus year trip down memory lane.

Currently a Senior Security Specialist at AppRiver, LLC., his team is responsible for global network deployments and manages the SecureSurf global DNS infrastructure and SecureTide global spam & virus filtering infrastructure as well as all internal applications. They also manage security operations for the entire company. He holds a CISSP certification. He is also well-versed in ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques and has been involved in technology for more than 20 years. Jim has presented at NolaCon, ITEN WIRED, BSides Las Vegas, BSides Atlanta, CircleCityCon, DEF CON (2017) and several smaller conferences. He regularly attends national security conferences and is passionate about conveying the importance of developing, implementing and maintaining security policies for organizations. His talks convey unique and practical techniques that help attendees harden their security in practical and easy-to-deploy ways. Jim is a senior staff member with BSides Las Vegas, a member of the ITEN WIRED Planning Committee and the president of the Florida Panhandle (ISC)2 Chapter. When not at the computer, Jim can be found working out, playing guitar, traveling or just relaxing with an adult beverage.


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