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Invoke-CradleCrafter: Moar PowerShell obFUsk8tion & Detection (@('Tech','niques') -Join'') - Daniel Bohannon Derbycon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Invoke-CradleCrafter: Moar PowerShell obFUsk8tion & Detection (@('Tech','niques') -Join'')
Daniel Bohannon
Derbycon 2017

Attackers, administrators and many legitimate products rely on PowerShell for their core functionality. However, its power has made it increasingly attractive for attackers and commodity malware authors alike. How do you separate the good from the bad? A/V signatures applied to command line arguments work sometimes. AMSI-based (Anti-malware Scan Interface) detection performs significantly better. But obfuscation and evasion techniques like Invoke-Obfuscation can and do bypass both approaches. Revoke-Obfuscation is a framework that transforms evasion into a treacherous deceit. By applying a suite of unique statistical analysis techniques against PowerShell scripts and their structures, what was once a cloak of invisibility is now a spotlight. It works with .evtx files, command lines, scripts, ScriptBlock logs, Module logs, and is easy to extend. Approaches for evading these detection techniques will be discussed and demonstrated. Revoke-Obfuscation has been used in numerous Mandiant investigations to successfully identify obfuscated and non-obfuscated malicious PowerShell scripts and commands. It also detects all obfuscation techniques in Invoke-Obfuscation, including two new techniques being released with this presentation.

Daniel Bohannon is a Senior Incident Response Consultant at MANDIANT with over seven years of operations and information security experience. His particular areas of expertise include enterprise-wide incident response investigations, host-based security monitoring, data aggregation and anomaly detection, and PowerShell-based attack research and detection techniques. He is the author of Invoke-Obfuscation, Invoke-CradleCrafter and Revoke-Obfuscation PowerShell frameworks.


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