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Hacking for Homeschoolers: STEM projects for under $20 - Branden Miller Derbycon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Hacking for Homeschoolers: STEM projects for under $20
Branden Miller
Derbycon 2016

Lets face it, homeschoolers have a limited budget. This talk will show you how to teach STEM at home with minimal amount of money. Each project has been built in my home by my kids (ages 9+). You only have the interwebz, tin foil, and foam board? HDTV antenna! You have a couple of empty 2 Liter bottles, PVC pipe, bicycle pump, and duck tape? Soda bottle rockets! MacGyver will be jealous! Your kids will love it! Bring them too!

Branden Miller is a Managing Consultant for a GRC practice, firearms enthusiast, father of 3, and a homeschooler. Arming himself with a soldering iron, hot glue gun, and lots of patience, he loves to build things with his kids out of everyday junk and to teach science while doing it.


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