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How to Social Engineer your way into your dream job! - Jason Blanchard Derbycon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

How to Social Engineer your way into your dream job!
Jason Blanchard
Derbycon 2016

Does anyone read these descriptions? Yeah... you? That's awesome! Want to come to an incredible talk given by a professional social engineer? No... oh, ok... Wait! Come back! Alright, this talk is about how you can use the skills, concepts, and tools of social engineers and marketers to put yourself into the right place, with the right skills, for the job you've always wanted. After 40 minutes of this talk, you'll either hate Jason Blanchard because he's given you so many possible ways to get "unstuck" or you'll... nah, you'll probably just hate him. This talk will be unforgettable (and hilarious). #chickenwing

Jason Blanchard doesn't computer (much), but what he does do, is use an overwhelming arsenal of marketing and social engineering skills to positively persuade the populace to do as he requests. He has an eclectic background as an educator, marketer, business owner, public speaker, comedian, father, and husband. He is currently the community outreach director for the SANS Institute. He is and has been since the day he was born... a professional Social Engineer.


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