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New Shiny in Metasploit Framework - egypt Derbycon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

New Shiny in Metasploit Framework
Derbycon 2016

This Derbycon tradition will . I'll cover some of the awesome new capabilities added to the Framework in the last 12 months, including improvements to meterpreter, post exploitation, and more. `git log --since="2015-09-23"`

James Lee, better known as egypt, is a software developer and Open Source Community Manager for Rapid7 where he hacks things with the Metasploit Framework. He is a vocal advocate for open source and strongly believes that open source security tools are vital to the future of the internet. Note that egypt is not Egypt. The two can be distinguished easily by their relative beards -- Egypt has millions, while egypt only has the one.


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