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Writing malware while the blue team is staring at you - Mubix "Rob" Fuller Derbycon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Writing malware while the blue team is staring at you
Mubix "Rob" Fuller
Derbycon 2016

Malware authors and reverse engineers have been playing cat and mouse for a number of years now when it comes to writing and reversing of malware. From nation state level malware to the mass malware that infects out of date grandmas and grandpas the different types of malware employ a myriad of techniques to stop those who look at it from guessing the true intent. This talk will be about some of the unorthodox methods employed by some malware to stay hidden from, or out right ignore the reverse engineering community.

Mubix ?Rob? Fuller is a Senior Red Teamer. His professional experience starts from his time on active duty as United States Marine. He has worked with devices and software that run gambit in the security realm. He has a few certifications, but the titles that he holds above the rest is FATHER, HUSBAND and United States Marine.


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