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Surveillance using spare stuff - Matt Scheurer Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Surveillance using spare stuff
Matt Scheurer
Derbycon 2015

This talk focuses on building your own robust surveillance system using items you either already own or may purchase inexpensively. The information presented demonstrates how to build full featured security systems on a shoestring budget. Topics covered include video and audio surveillance, configuring motion detection alarms, monitoring defined hot zones, remote notification and alerting, recording archival, and more.

Matt Scheurer is an experienced Systems Administrator having worked in IT for various companies over the past 16 years. Always seeking to accomplish more with less, Matt is skilled at cobbling together freely available resources and custom scripting to deliver specialized solutions when needs arise and opportunities present themselves. Matt maintains active memberships in a number of technology organizations including: the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Cincinnati Network Professionals Association (CiNPA) and affiliated Security SIG, and is a regular attendee at monthly Ohio Information Security Forum (OISF) meetings.


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