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Stealthier Attacks and Smarter Defending With TLS Fingerprinting - lee Brotherston Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Stealthier Attacks and Smarter Defending With TLS Fingerprinting
lee Brotherston
Derbycon 2015

8 characters finish even with some GPUs. I started asking friends, Googling and all I ever got was technical advice on how to run a tool, butÊnever a methodology. It seemed the methodology was either a secret or they had about as much clue as I did; little. In this talk IÕll discuss the outcomes of all of my research AND the methodology for really effective password cracking that even my CFO will approve. I may not have all of the answers, but what answers I do have, IÕm willing to share.

Lee has worked as an Internal Security resource across many verticals including Finance, Telecommunications, Hospitality, Entertainment and Government; in roles ranging from Engineer to IT Security Manager. He is a InfoSec generalist who spends most of his time on the defensive side of things.


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