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Stagefright: Scary Code in the Heart of Android - Joshua "jduck" Drake Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Stagefright: Scary Code in the Heart of Android
Joshua "jduck" Drake
Derbycon 2015

With over a billion activated devices, Android holds strong as the market leading smartphone operating system. Underneath the hood, it is primarily built on the tens of gigabytes of source code from the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Thoroughly reviewing a code base of this size is arduous at best - arguably impossible. Several approaches exist to combat this problem. One such approach is identifying and focusing on a particularly dangerous area of code. This presentation centers around the speaker's experience researching a particularly scary area of Android, the Stagefright multimedia framework. By limiting his focus to a relatively small area of code that's critically exposed on 95% of devices, Joshua discovered a multitude of implementation issues with impacts ranging from unassisted remote code execution down to simple denial of service. Apart from a full explanation of these vulnerabilities, this presentation also discusses; techniques used for discovery, Android OS internals, and the disclosure process. Finally, proof-of-concept code will be demonstrated. After attending this presentation, you will understand how to discover vulnerabilities in Android more effectively. Joshua will show you why this particular code is so scary, what has been done to help improve the overall security of the Android operating system, and what challenges lie ahead.

Joshua J. Drake is the Sr. Director of Platform Research and Exploitation at Zimperium Enterprise Mobile Security and lead author of the Android Hacker's Handbook. Joshua focuses on original research such as reverse engineering and the analysis, discovery, and exploitation of security vulnerabilities. He has over 10 years of experience auditing and exploiting a wide range of application and operating system software with a focus on Android since early 2012. In prior roles, he served at Metasploit and VeriSign's iDefense Labs. Joshua previously spoke at Black Hat, RSA, CanSecWest, REcon, Ruxcon/Breakpoint, Toorcon, and DerbyCon. Other notable accomplishments include exploiting Oracle's JVM for a win at Pwn2Own 2013, successfully compromising the Android browser via NFC with Georg Wicherski at Black Hat USA 2012, and winning the DefCon 18 CTF with the ACME Pharm team in 2010.

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