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$helling out (getting root) on a 'Smart Drone' - Kevin Finisterre d0tslash Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

$helling out (getting root) on a 'Smart Drone'
Kevin Finisterre d0tslash
Derbycon 2015

Consumer drones have been penetrating the marketplace for a number of years now... every other month it seems you find someone doing something stupid like crashing them into the Whitehouse, or trying to leave radioactive material on a government building rooftop. Drone marketing departments keep telling us that drones are getting smarter and smarter. Lucky for us, it is hard for developers to keep up with the pace of demand. As with all industries before it, there are flaws to be found and bugs to be exploited. Someone simply needs to take the time to uncover them. This talk will highlight some of the general security concepts in the consumer drone world, as well as demonstrate a few targeted examples of exploitation in live demo form. This of this presentation as you standard "*for fun, and profit*" talk for drone exploitation. Whether you are out for a simple prank on your buddy with a 3DR Solo, or to forensically analyze a DJI Phantom, we've got you covered in this talk.

Mike Brancato:CYBER Security professional. ë?C's, PCB design and reversing. I like taking things apart. Kevin Finisterre: Raw unadulterated CYBER-funk. I like to break things!


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