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Ok - so you've been pwned - now what? - Jim Wojno Derbycon 2014 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Ok - so you've been pwned - now what?
Jim Wojno
Derbycon 2014

It’s something that’s as inevitable as death and taxes you’ve been pwned. Sometimes it’s obvious and sometimes it’s not but when this happens you need to be ready. Sure you can collect that sample of malware and send it to your AV / security vendor and wait for the DAT update but what can you do in the meantime to determine the impact of this breach? How do you know if this is just an ankle biter wasting your time or if this is an “All-Hands-On-Deck-Man-Your-Battle-Stations” red alert? Learn how to use freely available tools like Redline- PE Studio and Process Explorer to determine if this is just a garden variety malware infection that got past your defenses or whether this is something more targeted and sinister. The session will include real world examples using these tools as well as an introduction to digital forensics for security practitioners. This is not a deep dive forensics session but rather targeted at the front line security engineer who needs to quickly determine if this is commodity or targeted, then take initial steps to triage and contain the damage while waiting for the IR cavalry to arrive.

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