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A Guided Tour of the Internet Ghetto :: Introduction to Tor Hidden Services - Brent Huston Derbycon 2014 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

A Guided Tour of the Internet Ghetto :: Introduction to Tor Hidden Services
Brent Huston
Derbycon 2014

Following on the heels of my last set of talks about the underground value chain of crime, this talk will focus on a guided tour of the Internet Ghetto. You may have heard about Tor, the anonymizing network that rides on top of the Internet, but this talk takes you deep inside to visit the slums, brothels & gathering places of today’s online criminals. From porn to crimes against humanity, it is all here. This talk will discuss Tor hidden services, help the audience understand what they are, how they operate, and most importantly, how to get business and information security value from them. If you think you know the dark side of the net, think again! Not for the feint of heart, we will explain some of the ways that smart companies are using hidden services to their benefit and some of the ways that playing with the dark side can come back to bite you

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