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Windows 0wn3d By Default - Mark Baggett Derbycon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Windows 0wn3d By Default - Mark Baggett
Derbycon 2013

Description: “In this talk we will discuss API Hooking, Process Execution Redirection, Hiding Registry keys and hiding directories on the hard drive. We must be talking about rootkits, right? Well yes, but not in the way you think. The Windows family of operating systems has all of these capabilities built right in! Using nothing but tools and techniques distributed and documented by Microsoft we can implement all of these rootkit functions. During this exciting talk I will present new attacks against Windows operating system that provide rootkit like functionality with built-in OS tools. In session, we’ll demonstrate how to leverage the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit to help hide an attacker’s presence on your system. The Application Compatibility Toolkit allows you to create application shims that intercept and redirect calls from applications to the operating system. This native rootkit like capability is intended to make the Windows operating system compatible with very old or poorly written applications. Do DEP, ASLR, UAC, and Windows Resource Protection, File system ACLS and other modern OS security measures get it your way? No problem. Turn them off! Do you want to hide files and registry keys and from the user? The Application Compatibility toolkit allows you to create a virtual world for any application and hide resources from view. If someone inspects the registry with regedit they will see exactly what the attacker wants them to see and not what the OS sees when it launches programs. Did they patch your target so your exploit doesn’t work? Guess what, making applications backwards compatible is what this tool is intended to do. Make your favorite applications “old exploit compatible” insuring you can re-exploit the target with this awesome untapped resource. Everything you need to subvert windows applications is built right into the windows kernel. Come learn how to use the application compatibility toolkit to tap this great resource.”

Bio: Mark Baggett is the owner of Indepth Defense, an independent consulting firm that offers incident response and penetration testing services. He has served in a variety of roles from software developer to Chief Information Security Officer. Mark is an instructor for the SANS institute and is very active in the information security community. Mark is the author of SANS Python for Penetration testers course (SEC573) and the pyWars gaming environment. Mark teaches several classes in SANS Penetration Testing curriculum including SEC504 (Incident Handing), SEC560 (Penetration Testing) and his Python course. Mark is the founding president of The Greater Augusta ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) chapter which has been extremely successful in bringing networking and educational opportunities to Augusta Information Technology workers. As part of the Pauldotcom Team, Mark generates blog content for the “pauldotcom.com” podcast . In January 2011, Mark assumed a new role as the Technical Advisor to the DoD for SANS. Today he assists various government branches in the development of information security training programs.

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