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Wielding Katana: A Live Security Suite Derbycon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Wielding Katana: A Live Security Suite
Derbycon 2012

What if we told you all you need to totally own a workstation and potentially a network was a single flash drive? Well … a flash drive and some time to play. The Katana flash drive is a bundle of many of the most popular live security operating systems and hundreds of portable Windows applications. In this talk we will demonstrate how to set up any computer in a matter of seconds as a live environment for pen-testing, forensics, and more.

We’ll show you all that Katana has to offer to help you learn and work in the real world. Katana Bootable lets you boot from live distros like Backtrack and Ophcrack. The Katana Tool Kit “portably” runs tools like NMAP, Wireshark, and Netcat from any Windows desktop. You’ll learn how to avoid anti-virus and run customized portable virtual environments. Throughout the presentation we’ll talk about using Katana in real pen-testing scenarios. We want you to walk out with the ability to turn any computer into your own pen-testing box at the plug of a drive.

JP Dunning / Chris Silvers

JP “.ronin” is a security researcher and consultant. His research interests focus primarily on wireless and portable security. He is the primary developer of the Katana USB drive and various other open source projects at http://www.hackfromacave.com.

Chris is responsible for leading or conducting social engineering, internal and external penetration testing; Windows host, network architecture, firewall and router/switch reviews as well as enterprise security architecture and design projects. He serves as the service line lead for the social engineering practice, maintaining and developing the methodology as well as continuously enhancing techniques to reflect the threat environment. Chris also provides client education services as an instructor of the Ultimate Hacking Foundstone courses.

Chris has over thirteen years of information security and risk management experience in the financial services, wholesale and retail industries. Most recently, Chris taught the Ultimate Hacking Foundstone course at the 2008 and 2011 Blackhat security conferences. He was also awarded second place in the Defcon 19 Social Engineering Capture The Flag (CTF) competition, exhibiting his ability to “schmooze” a call center employee into revealing sensitive corporate information.


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