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Doubt – Deceit – Deficiency and Decency – a Decade of Disillusionment Derbycon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Doubt – Deceit – Deficiency and Decency – a Decade of Disillusionment
Derbycon 2012

Waking up with the sudden and shocking realization that I cannot escape the feeling that I have wasted a decade of my life. I am an infosec professional and I’ve been doing the best job that I can. Except nothing works right. Have I really wasted a decade? Can I prove myself wrong?

Through a mixture of news stories, teachable moments, hard-won experience and perhaps an interpretive dance – you will be taken on a journey of maturity and self-discovery — an examination and ultimately a determination on one information security professional’s decade of trying to make a difference. (NOTE: Due to union regulations there shall be no interpretive dance.) (NOTE 2: This is technically a cyber-finance and cyber-critical cyber-infrastructure talk, you can totally claim the CPEs for it.)

James Arlen

James Arlen, CISA, is a senior consultant at Taos providing security consulting services to the utility and financial verticals. He has been involved with implementing a practical level of information security in Fortune 500, TSE 100, and major public-sector corporations for 18+ years. James is also a contributing analyst with Securosis and has a recurring column on Liquidmatrix Security Digest. Best described as: “Infosec geek, hacker, social activist, author, speaker, and parent.” His areas of interest include organizational change, social engineering, blinky lights and shiny things.

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