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“Flex Your Rights: The Constitution & Political Activism in the Hacker Community” Derbycon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

“Flex Your Rights: The Constitution & Political Activism in the Hacker Community”
Derbycon 2012

Let’s be clear upfront: I don’t care if you’re a Republican or Democrat (or another party), I don’t care if you’re pro-life or pro-choice. This presentation isn’t about politics in the traditional sense. What we should be willing to acknowledge, however, is that public policy issues and the political process increasingly overlap with issues and interests that are important to the hacker community. Issues like free speech, privacy, and copyrights manifest themselves in legislation like SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, the Cybersecurity Act, DMCA (and many others). Surely these issues are worth our time and attention. By exploring recent legislation, court cases, and newsworthy events, it’s my aim to convince you that we, the hacker community, need to flex our rights right now, more than ever. Won’t you join me?

Michael Schearer (theprez98)

Michael Schearer (“theprez98?) is the founder of MyFreeState and the Assault on Privacy, projects which document abuses of our freedom and liberty. Michael is the owner of Leverage Consulting & Associates, a computer security business. He spent nearly nine years in the United States Navy as an EA-6B Prowler Electronic Countermeasures Officer. His military experience includes aerial combat missions over both Afghanistan and Iraq and nine months on the ground doing counter-IED work with the U.S. Army. He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s National Security Studies Program and a speaker at ShmooCon, DEFCON, HOPE, and other conferences. Michael lives in Maryland with his wife and four children.

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