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RfCat: subghz or bust! Derbycon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

RfCat: subghz or bust!
Derbycon 2012

wifi is cool and so is cellular, but the real fun stuff happens below the GHz line. medical systems, mfg plant/industrial systems, cell phones, power systems, it’s all in there! atlas and some friends set out to turn pink girltech toys into power-systems-attack tools. through through several turns and changes, the cc1111usb project was born, specifically to make attacking these systems easier for all of you. with a $50 usb dongle, the world of ISM sub-GHz is literally at your fingertips.
teach a man to fish…come learn how to fish for your favorite technology using some kewl tools.

Speaker: atlas

atlas is a doer of stuff. inspired by the illustrious sk0d0, egged on by invisigoth of kenshoto, atlas has done a lot of said ‘stuff’ and lived to talk about it. whether he’s breaking out of virtual machines, breaking into banks, or breaking into power systems, atlas is always entertaining, educational and fun.

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