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Vlad Gostom & Joshua Marpet – Smile for the Grenade! Camera go Bang! Derbycon 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Vlad Gostom & Joshua Marpet – Smile for the Grenade! Camera go Bang!
Derbycon 2011

Cameras are hugely important to urban and suburban battlefields. Reconnaissance is a must-have for commanders, and a force multiplier for actual combat units. A combat-deployable camera system is being developed or used by nearly every military-industrial manufacturer and government agency, ranging from Throwable Camera Balls to Grenade-style launched cameras. But they’re expensive and inaccessible to civilians. Would it be possible to build a combat-deployable camera system that would fulfill the mandates of a tactical combat team, feed information to a strategic command center, and force-multiply “on the cheap”?

Removed at speaker's request

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