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Peter Van Eeckhoutte & Elliot Cutright – Win32 Exploit Development With Mona and the Metasploit Framework Derbycon 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Peter Van Eeckhoutte & Elliot Cutright – Win32 Exploit Development With Mona and the Metasploit Framework
Derbycon 2011

In this talk, Corelanc0d3r and Nullthreat will walk the audience through the process of writing exploits for Win32 User Land, while elaborating on the subtleties of writing effective and reliable exploits that bypass common memory protections. Using a number of example exploits, they will demonstrate how the various functions available in mona.py, the Corelan Team PyCommand Plugin for Immunity Debugger, will assist exploit developers with writing better exploits, in a shorter amount of time. Note: Although not employed by Rapid7, we will mention “Metasploit” a lot. While we don’t expect a free copy of Metasploit Pro, It wont hurt our feelings. Just saying.

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