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Evan Booth – Hide yo kids, hide yo wife: Residential security and monitoring the bottom line Derbycon 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Evan Booth – Hide yo kids, hide yo wife: Residential security and monitoring the bottom line
Derbycon 2011

Over time, our expectations of residential alarm systems have been reduced to landline-laden, lowest-bidder hardware and a phone call from some random dude in Topeka who knows absolutely nothing about our homes and current situations. Why has this happened? Because it doesn’t usually end up adding much to their bottom line, actually increasing security through innovation is seldom a goal of the security companies. In this talk, we’ll examine the weaknesses in the current residential security landscape — specifically how well the “standard” setup deals with the most common types of break-ins, and we’ll talk about some fundamental changes that need to take place in the industry in order to push it forward in a major way.

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