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You’re Right, This Sucks - J0hnnyxm4s & Lesley Carhart Cyphercon 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

You’re Right, This Sucks
J0hnnyxm4s & Lesley Carhart

Cyphercon 2016

With The Security Revolution well under way, the echo chamber that is the New Information Security Realm is quickly becoming so oversaturated that the core of the signal is all but lost. We’ve become a very tiny box filled with 20,000 people all yelling the same things at each other; primarily consisting of complaints without proposed solutions, and almost nobody yelling at the people who need to hear it. All of this has led to everything outside of the InfoSec box to all but ignore us, thus perpetuating the cycle. THERE IS A SOLUTION. Our duo has some excellent success stories revolving around changing the Security culture of global organizations from the inside by presenting pertinent information in the most effective way to critical non-Security folk, as well as a great deal of experience rasiing security awareness at non-InfoSec, and even non-IT conferences around the country. Come listen to THEM complain about what what they see going wrong the most, and provide some actioanble tips and tricks that you can hit the ground running with on Monday morning!

Johnny Xmas (@j0hnnyxm4s) is a penetration tester for RedLegg, based in Chicago, and has been speaking Internationally on the topics of Information Security, Career Advancement and Social Engineering for nearly 15 years, both in and very far outside of the Information Security community. His infamous mixture of humor, raw sincerity and honest love of people lead to hilarious, but at their core serious discussions revolving around his frustration over how much people seem to desire to get in their own way. Master of terrible accessorizing, you’ll often find him mixing vests with wallet chains, man buns and bracelets, and almost invariably topping it all off with a pair of cat ears that have heard more than you’d ever want to know. Lesley Carhart (GCFA, GREM) is the Digital Forensics and Incident Response team lead for a Fortune 500 managed service provider. Her passion is post-intrusion network, malware, and system forensics. In her 17 years in IT, Lesley has dealt with everything from aircraft avionics to conducting forensic analysis of sophisticated targeted attacks. Due to the InfoSec community being largely distracted by shiny exploits, she has made it her mission to better educate and mentor others on basic security concepts and InfoSec career paths. She does this through educational blog series and article contributions, a prolific social media presence, and hacking talks and panels at a wide range of geekdom conventions.

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