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The Emerging Product Security Leader Discipline - Matthew Clapham Converge 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Emerging Product Security Leader Discipline
Matthew Clapham

Companies working to design security in desperately need expertise to guide engineering teams, giving rise to Product Security Leaders as a new discipline. As coach, cop, caretaker, contributor, and counselor, it challenges in both technical and soft skills. Learn about the role,s prerequisites, see how the role has changed over time, and how it will evolve in a DevOps future.

Matthew (Matt) Clapham makes products more secure. His career is a rare blend of both product development and enterprise operations. He is currently a Principal Product Security Leader at GE Healthcare. Matt previously worked as a Software Tester, IT Policy Author, Auditor and Security Advisor to all things games at Microsoft. He is familiar with security foibles in all software and how to overcome them. Mr. Clapham is frequent speaker and author of magazine articles on IT, security, games or some combination thereof. He holds degrees in engineering and music from the University of Michigan.

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