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Beginning DFIR - How to get started with Cooties - Lisa Wallace (Circle City Con 2019 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Beginning DFIR - How to get started with Cooties
Lisa Wallace

Circle City Con 2019

Can you learn DFIR in less than an hour? No - our goal is to familiarize you with some of the freely available, open source tools. In addition, we’ll discuss some of the methods to use these tools to analyze files and systems. Covered will be beginning Remnux, SIFT workstation, Eric Zimmerman’s excellent tool suite, and others.

Lisa Wallace is MSI’s Technical Director and continues in her roles as security focal and project manager. Lisa is actively involved with internal and external vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, application assessments, digital forensics, threat intelligence, incident response and eDiscovery. Her background over the last 20+ years includes the security items mentioned above, as well as server management and anti-virus research and administration. She has worked in a variety of fields, including utilities, financial services, and telecommunications and has consulted in a number of ancillary industries. She is actively involved in animal rescue and is an avid tabletop gamer. The gaming experience has allowed her to create innovative “what if?” incident response exercises for clients that have proven highly effective.

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