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an Implantable Computer - Doug "c00p3r" Copeland (Circle City Con 2019 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

an Implantable Computer
Doug "c00p3r" Copeland

Circle City Con 2019

fast prototyping an implantable computer from off the shelf parts, there are two phases to this project phase 1 is making a fast prototype from off the shelf parts, and implanting it into a host, this is meant to be a proof of concept for the implantable computer which is able to sniff wifi, bluetooth, and nfc from within the human body... allow the hacker to remote into the computer/host and gather information from a possible distributed array of people involved in the test. phase 2 is to take what is learned and create a custom pcb with all that has been learned from the original design and to create a smaller more compact form factor for the design... currently me and my team are in 5th official revision of phase 1 of this project... unofficially more like the 20th revision. The purpose of the talk is to do more then get up and say i built this thing and it does this, but instead to have a conversation about the process of fast proto-typing and to encourage others that may or may not have an idea to try building something themselves, and create their own DIY evolution!

Bio: c00p3r has a background in varied tech support and security roles which have provided him experience in Linux, Mac and Windows environments. His own entry to the ‘cyborg’ Biohacker culture has been by augmenting his body with both NFC and RFID chips through ‘Dangerous Things’ products which were available at the BdyHaxCon in Austin, TX. His curiosity about the technology has led him to found the Dangerous Minds Podcast which has become a vehicle to dig deeper into the subjects of biohacking, grinding, implantable technology, locksport, and network security by interviewing leaders in these fields and learning from their experience, for more information about this go to www.dangerousminds.io . Since DMP’s founding c00p3r has gone on to partner with dangerous things and vivokey to help promote the technology and assist people in acquiring new upgrades for their own grind.

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