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Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The Internet of Deadly Things - Bryan K. Fite (Circle City Con 2016 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The Internet of Deadly Things Bryan K. Fite Circle City Con 2016
"When worlds collide!" is not just another random Seinfeld reference, it is the wake-up call for all security practitioners and cyber savvy citizens. Cyber was once the exclusive domain of digital denizens but now digital digits can reach out and "touch" someone.
As more and more discretion is taken away from human operators and assigned to autonomous & semi-autonomous systems, our safety becomes dependent on ubiquitous sensor networks that are "Connected". New threat catalogs are required to design systems that are safe and secure. The speaker will articulate the attack surface, move beyond the hype and propose reasonable response strategies for surviving in a world where cyber and physical intersect.
The session blends several timely themes; Cyber, IoT, Pervasive Surveillance, Privacy, M2M Communications, Discretion and Trust Enhanced Risk Management in a unique way designed to educate practitioners to the necessity of understanding multiple domains -when worlds collide.
Use cases which will articulate architectural attack surface characteristics and mitigation approaches. In addition, using the "Evil Robot" taxonomy, the speaker will introduce a novel Risk Assessment Process for quickly profiling ANY Cyber-Physical system and identifying relative risk rankings.
Two example use cases:
Air traffic control systems use a lot of sophisticated tracking, communication systems and autonomous warning systems to keep travelers safe. However, it is ultimately the "human" operators that make the key decisions. What does the introduction of autonomous and semi-autonomous drones mean to this ecosystem? How much discretion will the "human" operators be entrusted
Every day human operators of vehicles must make decisions concerning signaling, accelerating and stopping. Would autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicle apply the same logic? How would an autonomous vehicle apply discretion in the face of a "no win decision" - Hit the elderly person crossing the street or swerve and hit a school bus?
The presentation will articulate how to use this the risk & trust assessment process as a practical decision support tool, which will allow the user to quickly determine the controls they have at their disposal to exercise with discretion and which systems limit or do not afford any user discretion, control or choice.