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The Hacker Community is Dead! Long Live the Hacker Community! - Bruce Potter (Circle City Con 2015 Videose 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Hacker Community is Dead! Long Live the Hacker Community!
Bruce Potter

Circle City Con 2015

The hacker community as we know it is dead. Gone are the days of massive 0-day dropping at conferences, believing our handles keep us anonymous, and the free sharing of information that was a core part of the hacker community. Now that cybersecurity news stories are an above the fold topic and more researchers being bound by NDA?s, employment agreements, and a sense of ?responsible disclosure,? our community has entered a new era. So what? Being grumpy about change is counter-productive. What is important, however, is understanding what we?ve lost in the change and what characteristics of the old school hacker community we should strive to keep as this evolution continues. Maintaining and fostering free flows of information and public discourse while preventing outside entities from co-opting and overregulating our work is critical to ensuring we can continue to ?hack all the things? and make the world a more secure place. This talk will examine the last 20 years of hacker culture and draw out these important characteristics through examples and case studies. The talk will also present tactical advice for the audience on how to carry these ideas forward into the ever-evolving community around us.

Bio: Bruce Potter is CTO of Ponte Technologies and founder of The Shmoo Group. Bruce's lack of degrees and certifications hasn't stopped him from discussing infosec in numerous articles, books, and presentations. Bruce has been in the computer security field for nearly 2 decades which means he is getting old and increasingly jaded. His primary focus areas are trusted computing, cyber security risk management (yikes!), and exploring alternate ways of interacting with complex data sets. Bruce believes that while attackers have the upper hand, we can still do better with the tools we have than most people realize. Bruce likes talking about himself in the third person.

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