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From Parking Lot to Pwnage - Hack - free Network Pwnage - Brent White / Tim Roberts (Circle City Con 2015 Videose 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

From Parking Lot to Pwnage - Hack - free Network Pwnage
Brent White / Tim Roberts

Circle City Con 2015

Pretending to be an employee is one thing, but owning layers of identities is what leads to owning the data center. In this presentation you will listen to real world scenarios that led to armed guards opening the server room for the "employee" to Secretaries handing over an Executive's laptop. All of this and more, from parking lot to pwnage.

Bio: Brent is currently an Offensive Security Consultant within Solutionary, and has recently spoken at Def Con 22, ISSA International and B-Sides Nashville. His experience includes Internal and External Penetration Assessments, Social Engineering and Physical Security Assessments, Wireless and Application Vulnerability Assessments and more. Brent has held the role of Web/Project Manager and IT Security Director at the headquarters of a global franchise company. His specialty is in Application, Social Engineering and Wireless Assessments. Tim is currently an Offensive Security Consultant within Solutionary, and has recently spoken at Def Con 22, ISSA International and B-Sides Nashville. His experience includes Internal and External Penetration Assessments, Social Engineering and Physical Security Assessments, Wireless and Application Vulnerability Assessments and more. Tim has held information and physical security and management roles across multiple industries including healthcare and government. He has conducted highly successful Red Team Assessments.

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