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RF for Red Team - David Switzer (BSides Tampa 2020) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

RF for Red Team
David Switzer
BSides Tampa 2020

"This would be an overview of RF related detections / monitoring and attacks. This would go over current Wifi attacks (both attacking clients and networks), as well as wireless attacks on mice/keyboards (both the old ""mousejack"" and more modern "Logitacker" style attacks), as well as monitoring other systems for physical attacks, such as IoT/smart devices, alarm systems and power meters. - Wifi - General overview - Network attacks - Client attacks - PMKID cracking - Mousejacking and derivatives - IoT / Smart devices - Popular Comm - Cell - Pagers - Misc - Alarm systems - Power meters"

David E. Switzer has over 20 years of experience in systems and network security. Cert alphabet soup: GSE #136, G[cia|cih|awn|sec|stuff]), OSCE, CISSP and ITILv3 (keeps it gangsta). He currently is working on RF/IoT and ICS/SCADA projects for his employer, while off time amusements include RF, wireless networks, hardware hacking, and other expensive time sinks.

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