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Leif Dreizler, BugCrowd, explores the inherent differences between the hacker and developer mentality. In this discussion, the audience will hear from a former breaker and fixer of security flaws on how developers who acknowledge the existence of ‘The Bogeyman’ come that much closer to being active participants in ensuring their company’s security, rather than passive victims. Leif is a Senior Security Engineer at Bugcrowd, the innovator in crowdsourced security testing for the enterprise, where he works to customize and support security testing solutions for Bugcrowd clients. Prior to Bugcrowd, Leif worked as Senior Application Security Engineer at Redspin, performing application security assessments. During his time at Redspin he served as the Application Team Lead, working with clients large and small at the engineering and sales level. Leif is an OWASP speaker and member, and contributes to the Firebug project. Leif attended the University of California where he studied Computer Science, and was most recently invited to be part of the department’s “Array of Talks” panel, a speaker series that he helped develop.
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