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What do infosec practitioners actually do - (BSides Nashville 2015) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

What do infosec practitioners actually do

Slade Griffin

BSides Nashville 2015

Quite a few people often think that working in this field is "cool" and "fun." While it can be, it does present some interesting challenges especially to bright and talented people. This talk will be a discussion about the perception of what the students think is involved in the field compared and contrasted with the speaker's 15 years of experience working for too many companies before finding where he belonged. The goal is to set adequate expectations for people interested in this field and to allow for Q&A with an experienced practitioner that wants quality people to be working in this field.

Bio: Slade Griffin @Slad3g & @Cyphoss
Slade Griffin is the owner of Cyphoss Security where he leads the cyber security services practice. He has over 15 years experience in cyber security specializing in vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, risk assessment, security program development, forensic analysis, and incident response. Slade is passionate about security; blending his experience in the public, private and military sectors to help others tackle their own cyber security challenges. Prior to founding Cyphoss Security, Slade worked in multiple roles within the information security field ranging from forensic analysis, incident handling, policy development, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing. He also served in the United States Navy for six years in roles related to information systems, communications, and physical security. Slade is a speaker and instructor on the topic of emerging threat and attack vectors in multiple forums including conferences, training courses, and universities both as lecturer and instructor.

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