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Adam John (@ajohn76): Healthcare Security, which protocal? (BSides Nashville 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Adam John (@ajohn76): Healthcare Security, which protocal?
BSides Nashville 2014

It is no secret that most healthcare systems are behind the curve both in technology, but also security in relation to the business world. One of the biggest issues is that there is no one option that is a panacea, and to add to the woes are three major types of healthcare organizations (payer, Federal/State, and provider). To add to the confusion are multiple sub-groups, executives that do not understand the needs, and a concept of protecting data is diametrically opposed to this world where sharing it has been a cornerstone for centuries. I plan to take a quick (101 level) dive to see the various issues with each of these 3 groups, and some simple foundational steps to start patching up the wounds. Maybe I'll pull in some audience participation with question/answer to set things up.

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