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The Lore shows the Way - Eric Rand (BSides Las Vegas 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Lore shows the Way
Eric Rand

Mistakes have been made, and mistakes will be made again. Those unfamiliar with the history of the situation may end up going through the same thought processes and making the same mistakes as the previous generations. This presents both problems and opportunities for security; it means that project managers and developers will need to keep a close eye on the development process to avoid making these known mistakes, and it also means that penetration testers and other red-team members have (provided they research the development history of their target) a list of potential avenues for exploit. Through being aware of the historical avenues of attack and the bugs exploited in the past,

Bio: An amateur blacksmith, an amateur radio operator, and a professional know-it-all, Eric has had a deep appreciation for the lore surrounding the IT world for many years. When he's not digging through obscure fora to find out who thought XCHG EAX:EAX was a good idea for a NOP command, Eric is either forging coathooks or stitching together various systems that were never designed to work together. He lives in the mountains of southern California with his wife and cats.

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