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Travel Hacking With The Telecom Informer - TProphet (BSides Las Vegas 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Travel Hacking With The Telecom Informer

People who know that I have visited all seven continents tell me all the time, “I could never travel as much as you do.” Granted, North Korea, Antarctica and Myanmar are not for everyone, but if you’re living in the developed world, travel is very much within your reach. All you need is flexibility and your hacker ingenuity. In this talk, you’ll learn why you should travel, and how you can do it for little or nothing by applying hacker ingenuity and using travel hacks.

Bio: TProphet is one of the most widely traveled members of the hacker community. Originally from Seattle, he has lived in four different countries and traveled to all seven continents. For more than twenty years, he has been a staff member of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly and has written about telecommunications all over the world. Recently, TProphet launched Seat 31B, a site dedicated to travel hacking.

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