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Creating and distributing useful software requires significant intellectual,
emotional, temporal, and financial resources. Security software tends to require
some level of operational security around vulnerability disclosures, and often
carries some unique ethical and legal implications. On top of all this, "open
source" often means there is no paycheck at the end of the week for programming
effort. Why go to all the trouble' Why do some open source security projects
succeed while many others fail' What does success even mean for open source' Thomas d'Otreppe "Mister X" is a wifi hacker and the author of Aircrack-ng, a
Wi-Fi auditing suite and OpenWIPS-ng, an open source modular wireless IPS. He
has designed Offensive-Security WiFu, a proactive wireless security course, with
Mati Aharoni and also contributed to BackTrack Linux. He works as a software
developer for Main Nerve.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast