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Exactly two years ago I gave a presentation on weaknesses in diabetic medical
devices, and how similar they were to industrial SCADA systems. Well, I got a
new insulin pump, and I have managed to find more problems. This will be a very
unique talk where the audience will get to see over a dozen different diabetic
devices, touch and poke at them, ask how they work and see them attached to me.
Also part of the discussion will be these devices in context: How are they used'
What are the implications of their failure' There will also be a live demo of a
critical software flaw that has never been discussed publicly! There will be
needles. There will be blood. There's a chance the speaker might not even
survive. BIO: Jay "Rad" Radcliffe has been working in the computer
security field for over twelve years and is currently a Senior Security Analyst
for InGuardians. Jay was diagnosed with Diabetes on his 22nd birthday, and after
a difficult diagnosis discovered he was an insulin dependent Type I diabetic.
His geek resume includes being a licensed ham radio operator since he was 12
ex-n8rhv, now n8os), building all kinds of VHF and HF antennas, using a TRS80 as
a toddler and writing TURBO BASIC programs in the 2nd grade.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast