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Plotting Hackers: Visualizing Attack Patterns - Kent Gruber BSides Detroit 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Plotting Hackers: Visualizing Attack Patterns
Kent Gruber

Trying to make sense of your copious amounts of log data can be important for actually getting any use of having logs in the first place. By using a simple, Ruby-centric web-stack -- yes, without Rails -- we'll break down the concepts and techniques to create your own web application to analyze log files focusing on attack patterns with charts providing different contexts and metrics with ease. I'll go into how to easily visualize attack patterns found in log files by using simple open source technologies to help gain a deeper understanding of the attacks and looking snazzy at the same time. I'm talking pie charts, charts without pie, line graphs, bar graphs, graphs with colors; and you don't have to write a single line of javascript to make it work. That's right: mobile-first, responsive, modern web development, using Ruby, because I like graphs almost as much as I like rainbows.

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