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Eating the SMB Security Elephant - An ITSEC framework for small IT shops - Austen Bommarito BSides Detroit 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Eating the SMB Security Elephant - An ITSEC framework for small IT shops
Austen Bommarito

Small or one person IT shops don't have a large amount of resources to put towards security. We're responsible for far more than just security and there are many competing demands for our time and attention. How do we make decisions on security projects in a sea of acronyms and products? This is one man's framework to eat the elephant.

Austen has led an IT department for over 15 years. He specializes in custom development and project management. Many years fixing and implementing processes has taught him that the process, not the people are usually the problem. He doesn't like people anyways. Austen holds a PMP and CQE

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