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Data Breaches: Simply The Cost Of Doing Business - Joel Cardella BSides Detroit 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Data Breaches: Simply The Cost Of Doing Business
Joel Cardella

We've seen some pretty hefty data breaches since 2012, hundreds of millions of records from Fortune 500 companies. The problem with this problem is companies are treating these breaches as just another cost of doing business. Actual work to prevent or stop data loss are being viewed as more expensive than the efforts to clean up after the breach. So what can you do? Pivot, and make this an ROI discussion. I'll show you some ways you can have the conversation in these terms, and some ways to help build a case for fixing a problem before it becomes a problem

Joel Cardella has been an "IT guy" since the early 1990s. He's been involved in network operations, data center ops, service and security in telecommuncations, health care and manufacturing. Currently he is the Director of Information Security for North America for the largest cement company in the world you've never heard of. He seeks to educate infosec persons at every level by showing the lessons learned, right and wrong, throughout his career.

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