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Trust and Security: The Odd Couple Driving Your Business - Loren Dealy Mahler BSidesCT 2019 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Trust and Security: The Odd Couple Driving Your Business
Loren Dealy Mahler
BSidesCT 2019

The relationship between trust and security is often misunderstood yet neither one can be successful without the other. Trust drives the very business that security is tasked to protect but too often they are siloed between different parts of the organization. Breaking down these walls leads to improved business outcomes and a more secure organization. This session will take a deep dive into what trust really means to your business and its complex relationship with security. We?ll also look at specific ways to more fully integrate the building and preservation of trust into the security side of the house. By better understanding how this odd couple drives your overall business you can not only perform your specific role more effectively but also contribute to improved business outcomes across the organization.

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