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Wrangle Your Defense Using Offensive Tactics - Matt Dunn BSidesCT 2019 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Wrangle Your Defense Using Offensive Tactics
Matt Dunn
BSidesCT 2019

The key to a good defense is understanding the offense. Grab your lasso and hop in the saddle because this talk will cover attack techniques that are regularly used to compromise networks and how they can be leveraged by the blue team to build a stronger defense. Forget vulnerability scanners in this talk we cover issues they rarely catch which include: Discovering unknown weaknesses externally and internally weak passwords in-memory credential theft and privilege abuse. Learn how to discover exploit and defend against those weaknesses using a number of free and/or open-source tools as well as defense tips and the IOCs needed to tune your SIEM. Lastly the MITRE ATT&CK framework will be introduced so that you can utilize the same tactics on the entire gamut of known attack vectors.

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