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How to Rapidly Prototype Machine Learning Solutions to Solve Security Problems - Jason Montgomery & Ryan Sevey BSides Columbus Ohio 2015  (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

How to Rapidly Prototype Machine Learning Solutions to Solve Security Problems
Jason Montgomery & Ryan Sevey
BSides Columbus Ohio 2015

Machine Learning (ML) can seem daunting when first learning about it but it doesn't have to be. We are not data scientists or math geniuses but simply security researchers trying to find solutions to complex problems. Using ML we built a proof of concept for detecting online cheating in video games in a short amount of time. This talk will focus on how to use Microsoft's Azure Machine Learning Studio to rapidly prototype and test ML solutions. We'll cover the path we took that lead to our anti-cheat technique and introduce other potential applications for ML in the Infosec space (IDS/IPS for example).

Jason Montgomery: Information, Hardware & Application Security Expert whose security experience evolved out of 15 years of real world software development, system and network admin experience. Currently, Jason is a Researcher at Veracode focusing on Application Security and Binary Static Analysis. He recently spent two years in the utility space working to help harden the electric grid. He's built and secured applications for Fortune 500 companies and Internet Start-ups, as well as State and Federal Government organizations. As a contractor for the Department of Defense, he hardened servers, provided security guidance to developers, revealed and helped mitigate vulnerabilities in federal systems and built custom applications. Jason served on the GIAC Secure Software Programmer (GSSP) Steering Committee, which produced the first .NET GSSP Blueprint used to develop certification for measuring developer aptitude of defensible software development techniques and is currently on the ISEC Advisory Board at Franklin University. Jason also contributed two chapters about security in Professional K2 blackpearl (Wiley Publishing Inc, 2009), an enterprise .NET workflow engine built on Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation and has instructed and written two courses for .NET developers on writing secure code for SANS Institute. With his knowledge of programming, Information Security, and network protocols, combined with his system administration and system hardening experience in Windows and Linux/BSD Unix operating systems, Jason possesses a unique, holistic perspective on security.


Ryan Sevey: Information & Hardware Security Expert who has been involved with the IT industry for over fifteen years. Currently he is an Expert Security/Consultant for HP focusing on providing threat and vulnerability management solutions to clients. Prior to HP, he spent time in the utility space working on Security Engineering projects to help harden the electric grid. Ryan has assisted numerous Fortune 500 companies increase their security posture.

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