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Evolving the Teaching of Pen Testing in Higher Ed - Robert Olson BSides Cleveland 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Evolving the Teaching of Pen Testing in Higher Ed
Robert Olson


Penetration testing is a challenge for higher education. Students are demanding this course in increasing numbers and faculty are scrambling to meet the demand. This talk will explore some of the curricular factors that influence why, where, and how higher education teaches penetration testing. Approaches to teaching this content can be wildly different, though, and can range from the theoretical to intensely technical. The strengths and weaknesses of these approaches will be discussed and some suggestions will be presented for how higher education can modernize their approach to teaching penetration testing.

Rob Olson has professing for 10 years. Currently, he is a lecturer in the Department of Computing Security at the Rochester Institute of Technology and is the technical director for RIT's S.A.F.E. Lab, where he does all manner of cyber-y things. When not educating the youngin's or doing his small part to secure the Interwebs, he's a big fan of video games and dad jokes.

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