Phishing Like a Monarch With King Phisher - Brandon Geise and Spencer McIntyre Bsides Cleveland 2014 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Phishing Like a Monarch With King Phisher
Brandon Geise and Spencer McIntyre
According to the 2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, phishing rose from the #9 threat action in 2012 to #3 in 2013. This threat of phishing drives organizations need to educate their users on how to identify and respond to phishing attempts.
This talk will demonstrate the features of the open source King Phisher project and how it can be used for running a successful social engineering campaign. We'll discuss the trends we've seen in the industry and reveal tips for crafting the most enticing emails. We'll also discuss the steps after phishing such as creating server pages for social engineering and integrating exploitation phases using the popular BeEF project.
While there are several other tools and services available to test the security awareness of users, such as, Simple Phishing Toolkit (no longer maintained), and Phishing Frenzy, we felt there is room for a tool that can be used for simple awareness testing as well as offensive capabilites.
Attendees to this talk will leave with an understanding of how to run a successful social engineering campaign that meets their organizations requirements as well as how to analyze and correlate the data gathered.
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