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Outside the Echo Chamber - James Siegel (aka WolfFlight) Bsides Cleveland 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Outside the Echo Chamber - James Siegel (aka WolfFlight)

There has been recent discussion in the InfoSec community with regard to how insular the discussions tend to be. To some it appears that we simply talk in circles, the same old speakers, the same old audiences. Perhaps, with some introspection and self-evaluation we can find ways to indeed break out of the echo chamber that we sometimes find ourselves in. It can appear difficult for those outside the community to find their way in. Often there appear to be barriers preventing the inclusion of new people and ideas. Whether it be developers trying to find out how to make their code more secure or simply aspiring new InfoSec professionals, some in the industry appear to be walled off from the public. It is my intent to show that this is not the actual case at all. Furthermore, that those in the industry can without too much effort, may actually be able to reach a bigger audience. That there are those out there who would greatly benefit from a greater security awareness. Will it be completely easy? Definitely not, there are some barriers that must be crossed or removed. It all begins with the first step, why not take it now?


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