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Hacking Diversity in InfoSec - Greg Thomas - @minossec (BSides Chicago 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Hacking Diversity in InfoSec
Greg Thomas

BSides Chicago 2014

It’s no secret that our society still struggles with diversity. It is no different in Information Security. As Hackers, we shouldn’t “exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias” as so eloquently stated by The Mentor in 1986. Yet, we still are confronted with a myriad of diversities in our field. In this talk, I will explain how the virus of diversity has, and will, prevent talented people from joining our field. I will show you the steps to hack diversity in your organization, and in your own life. I will also discuss some of the hurtles that you might face and how to overcome them. This talk is designed to give people a different insight to diversity and how we need to be intentional to learn about other cultures and issues that they face. This talk is designed to be a conversation where we can discuss the best way to hack diversity in our field, in our organizations, and in our lives. Come and listen to my experiences and my failures as we attempt to overcome diversity to truly become hackers that “only judge people by what they say and think. Not what they look like.”

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