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Red vs Blue and why We are doing it wrong - Chris Roberts BSides Chattanooga 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Red vs Blue and why We are doing it wrong
Chris Roberts
BSides Chattanooga 2018

Leave your 0days, leave your latest hacks behind AND bring your playbook for the blue team. We have more hacks and more works, trojans and attack vectors than we know what to do with, therefore what DO we actually do with them, THAT IS the question on the "tech behind" track'this is not about how you attach it is ALL about how you defend. What happens when the midden hits the fan, how and where and why do you react, how do you even know that you have been hacked? As security we have failed our very charges, we continue to allow them to be attacked and we fail at defense, therefore bring your BEST technical minds and apply them to how we better protect those that rely upon us.

Chris is considered one of the world,s foremost experts on counter threat intelligence within the Information security industry. At Acalvio, Roberts helps drive Technology Innovation and Product Leadership. In addition, Roberts directs a portfolio of services within Acalvio designed to improve the physical and digital security posture of both enterprise, industrial and government clients. Chris also comes armed with kilts, blue beards and single malts to most conferences; if nothing else the audience gets lessons in social engineering and Scottish lore Chris has some unique methods of addressing the evolving threat matrix and future challenges in the world of Deception, IoT, FinTech, Nanotechnology and ICS to name a few. He,s garnered a reputation for hacking anything with wings, wheels, tracks, tyres, fins or sails

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