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Pentester++ - Chris Truncer (BSides Augusta 2014) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Chris Truncer

Description: This presentation outlines my journey from a systems admin turned novice hacker, to a professional penetration tester and co-developer of the Veil-Framework. As I began to gain experience breaking a wide variety of systems, I wanted to expand beyond tool-centric based testing. I believe that the ability to not only identify the right tool for the job, but to create a solution where one doesn’t exist is an invaluable asset any penetration tester can utilize in their career. This talk will be case-study driven, and will trace the motivation and development process for the projects I’ve worked on. Being able to create your own tools is a skill that is absolutely essential if you want to progress your career to the next level, and I hope my example can spark ideas and motivate others to start their own projects.

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